from command line in let's say /home/douglas/projects do cd /home/douglas/projects git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtserialport.git -b 5.9 cd qtserialport so you should now have a folder /home/douglas/projects/qtserialport will sources for Qt serial port module release 5.9 (the Qt release should match what you have in your dev environment/device, you didn't stated it so far).If that's correct, I'd try the following: Reading briefly the link you posted to that wiki page, I assume you setup your environment in a Linux PC and using Qt Creator there, you built that simple GUI app that Qt Creator deployed and run in your device. Said in: Now, I am able to create a simple GUI application and run it on my target device Ok, that's a great step. Contoh Pengendalian Dokumen Iso 9001 on this page.

This kind of converter acts like a serial port. Modbus is just a serial protocol using RS485.
Currently I use the Qt 4.7 for Windows but in documentation I.
How to write data to a given serial port with qt? But I want to open a given serial port.